Our Email API offers an email infrastructure with high deliverability rates by design. Reach recipients’ inboxes in seconds, and monitor email performance with ease.
Email API that does the job
Trusted by 150,000+ monthly active users
Sending emails is easy with Mailtrap Email API
Set up and verify sending domain
Create an account with Mailtrap, go to Sending Domains, add your domain, grab DNS records, and do the verification.
Integrate with your application
Use SMTP service for quick and easy integration or RESTful API for improved email sending flexibility.
Send emails
Start sending emails to your customers. Use Mailtrap Email API to the full extent – reach recipients inboxes just in time.
Get more out of Mailtrap Email Delivery Platform
Email Sending
Send transactional emails with ease. Get more control over your email infrastructure performance and deliverability rates.
Email Testing
Capture SMTP traffic from staging and dev environments. Analyze email content for spam score and validate HTML/CSS.
QA Automation
Build automated tests of your email sequences and include them in your testing suite. Verify each component of a message with Testing API.